First Speech Presentation Blog

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Erick Diaz-Quintanal




I have always been a shy person and the day the my advisor told me I had to take a speech class my heart stopped. I have never liketalking or doing something in front of a lot of people for example if you go to the aquarium and they ask for volunteers to interact with the animals I would stay and not raise my hand. But I had to take the class. The first day that the class started it was fun we got into groups and then when the first person talked everyone started talking and we all left the shyness behind. In our group we separated into smaller groups so that everyone could have a subtopic and have there part in the presentation. Then the day of the presentation came and it was ok because I got to know some people and they were nice so I felt a little more comfortable. So lets talk about how I think the groups did with there first presentations.


Group #1

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Group number 1 had chapter 3 witch is about the Intercultural Communication. There presentation was amazing they had pictures, videos and they talked about the subtopic witch means that they read before they presented so that they can explain. The group was well organized and everyone took part in the presentation. In the presentation they had some very informative videos related to what they were doing and we almost watched all of them but we had to skip a few due to the short time we had in class. Some people presented with cameras others without. But it was a very good presentation.

Group #2 

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Group number 2 witch was my group we did everything really nice and smooth without any bumps. The first day that we got in or group we assigned what everyone had to do and they were good with it. Group 2 had chapter 9 witch is communicating in groups. Everyone did an awesome job everyone participated. All of us added pictures and studied or sections so that we could know what we were talking about. Also some people included some videos for there sections and our presentation was clean. We only had some problems with a pop quiz that we had at the end witch showed the answers as well and it messed it up but apart from that everything was perfect.

Group #3

Number 3 - moving pixels | Pixel animation, Numbers typography, Numbers

Group number 3 was also a very good group. Groups3 had chapter 10 witch was about Group Leadership and Problem Solving. For this group they all presented knowing what to say and showing pictures also video but time was closing on them it was the last group and they didn't have much time to present. In the small time they had to present they did it organized and knowing what to do is like if they were ready for what was coming to them witch makes them very good as a team because everyone knew there rows and when was there turn.

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In conclusion all groups did a great job presenting and we all got to know each others a little better while working together. I think that every groups will do great in the upcoming projects. Any mistakes that were done in this presentation can serve for a lesson to do it better in the next project all groups. For the upcoming projects we will be ready because we all know each others well and will make a smooth project without having many problems.

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